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Onboarding Online-Coaching EN


Here are some things that will make your training and the transition into professional coaching easier for you.

What happens next?

I'll create a folder for you in Google Drive. If you have a Google email, please share it with me so I can grant you access to your folder.

In your folder, you'll find feedback on your training and also the Nutrition Chart (Diet).
There's also a folder where you can upload photos to me. These are great for visualizing physical changes. It's cool to be able to track your own progress.

What do I need from you?

  • You'll receive an email invitation to create a customer account in the MaximumResults App. This will come from me.
    Within the app, I'll set up your individual training, and you can inform me of your performance, make notes on certain exercises (e.g., what you found challenging), and you can upload videos of specific key exercises to me.
    Please accept the invitation and enter your details.
    Only after that can I set up your training in the app.

  • You'll receive an email with questions about weight, height, waist circumference, etc.
    I need this information to properly set up your nutrition chart. Here, you can enter your weight, sleep, and macros, but you don't have to.
    If you have special requirements in this area, let me know; I also offer nutrition coaching. It's just helpful for me to know how your weight is progressing and how many hours of sleep you're getting.
    For instance, if you gain 5kg, pull-ups will become more challenging for you. Conversely, if you lose 3kg, they will become much easier. All of this without any significant change in your strength.
    You don't have to provide this information, but it might be helpful. Also, you're not obligated to enter your weight daily – it's your choice.

What do you need?

  • Internet Access: This will allow you to effectively use the training app. If necessary, you can also install it as an app on your phone. I usually use the app through the browser on my phone.

  • Google Account: This is so I can share your folder with you.

  • Phone/Camera: So you can send me recordings of specific exercises. This way, I can see if there's anything that needs improvement or not.

  • Phone Tripod: This is incredibly helpful as it allows you to choose a good recording angle. A remote shutter can be helpful, but it's often just one more thing that can get misplaced. 😅
    Amazon affiliate link for a sufficient tripod:

  • Website Access: I will set this up for you so you can access important feedback forms and videos.

How does the coaching process work?

I plan your training and release it in the MaximumResults app. You'll then receive an email notifying you that your training plan has been approved. If you are in the middle of training (i.e., after the first week), you will automatically receive my feedback on your training week in your Drive folder (Feedback). This is usually in the form of notes and screenshots of your exercises, e.g., how to achieve a better angle or what to avoid.

You can then start your training right away!


In the Maximum-Results-App, it's specified which exercises you should do. If you can't perform an exercise, you can skip it, or you can simply enter 0 Reps (repetitions).


Sometimes there's a range. For example, bench press 5-10 Reps with 80kg. I would like you to enter whether it was 5, 6, 8, or even 10 reps.

Fatigue Level RIR (or RPE)

Often, there are no kilos mentioned, but RIR. RIR stands for Reps in Reserve. It's a good way to see how strenuous it should be for you. If RIR 0 is mentioned, then that's all you can give. No further repetition in good form would be possible! RIR 1 means that one more repetition in good form would have been possible. An RIR 4 or 5 indicates a relatively light weight and is usually more of a warm-up.

Now you might understand why I sometimes work with a range for repetitions. I usually want you to work with an RIR2. This way, you can easily control your fatigue level. If 5 reps were too easy, you can do a few more, so that you reach an RIR 2 with, for example, 8 repetitions. It might sound complicated at first, but you'll quickly get used to it, and then it will be very simple.

The more important value is the RIR. If you went too heavy and an RIR 2 is reached not at 5 but at 3 repetitions, stop after 3! Please remember to also enter the 3 so that I can see it and incorporate it into the planning.

The reason behind this is that we can't deliver the same performance every day. Some days are easier, some are harder. Since I plan long-term, we shouldn't push you too hard right away. That's demotivating and delays your success.

This is fatigue management, and I need your help with it!

A block usually builds up over 4 to 7 weeks and gradually becomes more challenging. If you exhaust yourself in the first week, how will you endure the next 4 weeks?

At the end of your training week...

I need feedback from you. Log in to the website and submit feedback, done. The form is designed to be quickly filled out. If you wish, you can also provide me with more detailed answers here.
Important: This is the sign for me that I can start with your program for the upcoming week! Otherwise, there might be delays.

At the end of a block...

I need feedback from you. Log in to the website and submit feedback, done. The form is designed to be quickly filled out. If you wish, you can also provide me with more detailed answers here.
Important: This is the sign for me that I can start with your program for the upcoming week! Otherwise, there might be delays.


After a block, there's always a deload. You continue the exercises for another week, but in a way that it's not a significant strain. Think of it as a wellness week, allowing you to recover and prepare for the next increase.

With your feedback, I can prepare the new plan for you during your deload week. At the end of the week, you do your End-of-Week Check-In, and I'll then prepare the plan with the Intro-Week for you.


The Intro-Week is the new training plan at a lower intensity. It's meant to give your central nervous system a bit more rest. It also gives you the chance to familiarize yourself with the new exercises. In the following weeks, the pace will be increased based on your performance level.